Darryl GrowingThunder
Fort Peck Dakota / Nakoda
Poplar, Montana
Immersion in the traditional art forms during his formative years has led Darryl to his unique style of ledger art. He has spent most of his life honing his skill as a ledger artist. It is with great admiration of the historic works of pictograph artform that Darryl garnered his inspiration, and it is through his traditional culture that it continues. While using a mixture of modern and historic influences with contemporary subject matter, Darryl has managed to blend the old and new into a style unique to his own. Darryl’s work in this Plains narrative tradition greatly promotes cultural continuity and identity.

If you are interested in purchasing a piece or would like more information contact us at (406) 256-6811 or info@ycmhistory.org

Big Black Hat - $2,200

A Glorious Ride - $1,870

Remembering the Battle at the Greasy Grass - $3,300

All In Stride - $1,870

Strength of the Buffalo - $1,870

Devoted Mother - $2,200

Protecting the Sacred - $1,870

Still Dakota - $1,870

A Great Horse Thief - $1,870

Victory Over the Long Knives - $1,870